Provided humanitarian aid and support:
  1. Armed Forces of Ukraine
  2. State Border Guard Service
  3. Security Service of Ukraine
  4. Soldiers of the Ukrainian Army
  5. Affected citizens of Ukraine
With the funds from charitable contributions and donations, 40 vehicles were purchased and transferred to the military (including Euroblacks voluntarily provided). The total number of vehicles provided in 2022 amounts to 410 units.
Basic necessities
From Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, and the United Kingdom, important humanitarian aid was delivered - 100 tons of various essential products and food, including 3 thousand pairs of boots.
Starlinks, phones, mud rubber
Through the charitable foundation, 55 starters, 10 sets of mud tires, and 21 satellite phones were provided to units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which increased the mobility and effectiveness of the military during combat missions.
Accumulators and generators
Thanks to the charitable contributions of our partners and citizens of Europe, we were able to assist units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by transferring 13 tons of batteries (over 500 pieces) and 50 generators. This enabled them to have power supply during the toughest times, when the Ukrainian energy infrastructure was under rocket attacks from Russia.
Warming things
The charitable foundation delivered over 200 kilograms of warm and comforting clothing to the city of Dnipro to assist those affected by the explosion on January 14, 2023.
Navigation-hydrographic and light optical devices
Providing assistance in supplying navigation-hydrographic equipment and light optical devices to the State Institution "State Hydrography" is an integral part of creating an efficient Grain Corridor. In particular, this equipment is necessary to ensure unhindered and safe movement of grain vessels. Moreover, next time, similar beacons were delivered to Snake Island.
Folding beds, mattresses
More than just items were provided. Nearly a thousand military personnel received not only folding beds, mattresses, bedding sets, and household chemicals, but also hope that they are not left at the mercy of harsh winter conditions.
For reconnaissance personnel and journalists
3 drones
9 large power banks
4 starters
3 starters
10 large power banks
50 pocket power banks
Our partners
  • 1
    American charitable foundation "Zero Line"
  • 2
    Finnish charitable foundation "Zero Line Finland"
  • 3
    Irish public organization "Moral Fiber"
  • 4

    Medyk dla Zdrowia та її керівник Dr. Stanislaw Mazur
  • 5
    German non-profit organization "Media in Cooperation and Transition"
  • 6
    Lithuanian Charitable Foundation "Jegavienybeje"
  • 7
    Finnish patrons Anndreas Wilkman and Anderson Brotherus
Perеyаslav city,
Bohdana Khmelnytskoho street 51, office 1
+38 093 852 90 59